Photography provides a photographic journey
through some of our nation's historical asylums and
state hospitals. In the 1800's these elegant asylums and
state hospitals were intended to be the first step
towards the humane treatment of the mentally ill. These
once lavish buildings now stand empty, a hollow shell of
what was once the best mankind could offer for an
illness he didn't understand and couldn’t cure.
with the advances in treatment along with the advent of
modern medication, these asylums and state hospitals
seem almost primitive and barbaric in nature. It's
understandable to try to forget the past, very few
people realize what this revolution in treatment did for
our society. But to destroy buildings, whose
architectural beauty is impossible to reproduce today is
what's truly barbaric. So they stand, empty, crumbling,
waiting for the day they are restored back to a
functional part of society.
This site's mission is to
provide a glimpse into historical asylums and state
hospitals and show the current condition of each of
these buildings with the hope that someone, somewhere
will help save these historical landmarks.
Cold... Dark... Lonely...
How sad to be Forgotten.
& Karie Esmann |